Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Why Apperance is not so important?

Apperance is not important because how you dress dont have nothing to do with your personality.you can be the sweetest girl in the world and can dress but sometimes you dont show it. It shouldnt matter about your apperance anyway just because you dress a certain way that dont mean you dont have any money. I feel why do you have to prove somethings to people any way they dont need to know if you got money or not. and some people style may not be what others expect it. Some people like to wear what they want to they probably is not like other people they just stick with what they like. Well this is what i say sometimes it's okay to dress to impress but when your dressing to impress in other people cloths thats just dressing to try to stunt on something they may not have. thats why I dress according to what I like and how I like it on me i really dont care about what others say.

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